What is your opinion about AL-Fahras services?




  • New Member Subscription
  • Membership Renewal
  • Basic Services
  • الخدمات الأساسية-تحميل المحتوى الرقمي
  • الخدمات الأساسية-التدريب

The Arabic Union Catalog (AUC) provides easy and simple ways that enable prospective members to subscribe to the Arabic Union Catalog efficiently by following the steps below:

1. Subscribing Through the AUC Portal

•The prospective member will complete a membership application on the AUC portal.

•Then, the members' follow-up team at the AUC will communicate with the prospective member to determine the specific category.

•The membership agreement will be sent for signing and stamping by the upper management of the entity requesting the membership.

•Then, the signed and stamped agreement should be sent back to AUC.

•The AUC will provide an educational workshop about its portal and services. 

•The AUC will open a new account according to the membership category.

•The membership fees should be paid within two months of signing the agreement.

2. Direct Communication with the Members' Follow-up Team at the AUC

•Members will be able to directly communicate with the members' follow-up team at the AUC using all the different communication ways available at the AUC.

•The follow-up team will communicate with the prospective member to help fill out the membership application form to decide the membership fees and category.

•The membership agreement will be sent for signing and stamping by the upper management of the entity requesting the membership.

•Then, the signed and stamped agreement should be sent back to AUC.

•The follow-up team will provide an educational workshop about its portal and services.

•The AUC will open a new account according to the membership category.

•The membership fees should be paid within two months of signing the agreement.

The catalog will contact the member libraries three months before their membership expiration date to ensure the renewal process has been completed.

· The renewal contract, along with the renewal fee, is sent via email to the library

· The library approves membership renewal.

· The catalog will work on completing the renewal process.

A comprehensive set of technical services are available to libraries to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards. They may be obtained by signing the membership agreement and paying membership fees. These services include:

1. The Copy Cataloging Service allows catalog members to search the largest and most comprehensive Arabic information database. This database contains approximately 2.5 million unique records, which are constantly updated by adding new publications by Arab authors and downloading high-quality electronic bibliographic records. The library also has access to an exclusive system for managing and downloading saved records at any time.

2. Original Cataloging Service: Libraries can catalog records directly in the cataloging database for any material type, as the catalog includes more than ten templates. The cataloging team reviews the quality of the added records, and an automated email is sent to the library to inform them of quality assurance.

3. Authority Records Download Service: The member library can search various authority files and download authority records for names, subjects, geographical names, and others.

4. Digital Content Upload: The library can upload digital content to the catalog's digital library and make it available to Arab readers and researchers. The catalog provides an easy-to-use interactive interface for uploading and content review services.

بإمكان المكتبة تحميل محتويات رقمية على المكتبة الرقمية للفهرس وإتاحتها للقراء والباحثين العرب. حيث يتيح الفهرس واجهات تفاعلية للتحميل سهلة الاستخدام مع توفير خدمة مراجعة المحتوى الرقمي.

يقدم الفهرس العربي الموحد لأعضاؤه برنامج تدريبي سنوي يهدف إلى تأهيل مهني متكامل لأخصائي المكتبات وإكساب العاملين في قطاع المكتبات والمعلومات المهارات المهنية التي يحتاجونها للنهوض بأعباء المكتبة