What is your opinion about AL-Fahras services?


In this service, the Arabic Union Catalog catalogs library collections are not currently included in the catalog's database. Some members are not able to catalog their records through the portal and prefer having the catalog do that for them. This service includes the processing of recently acquired library resources, such as books, journals, and audio-visual materials. This service does not include the processing of manuscripts.

Specifications and Properties

High-quality cataloging records according to international standards.

On-demand records are based on the revised RDA cataloging rules or AACR2.

The catalog uses Dewey 21, but Congress classification can be provided at an additional cost.

Standardized and consistent authority entries based on the Arab Union Catalog practices.

The catalog delivers rapid processing times.

Requirements for obtaining the service

The service application form is sent along with its requirements. Upon completing the form, the library is provided with a user interface for FTP file transfer, allowing them to upload the required page copies to the system. Alternatively, Excel files containing the necessary cataloging data can be sent. After processing, the cataloged records are sent as an email attachment.