What is your opinion about AL-Fahras services?


The purpose of this service is to update and enrich the authority data of member libraries. The member library will be provided with the cataloging records associated with bibliographic records, which are verified, updated, and aligned with the Arabic Union Catalog Authority File.

Specifications and Properties

Standardized and compliant authority entries according to international standards and current global practices.

Uniform authority entries.

Authority entries that respect Arabic and Islamic culture's privacy.

Authority entries that adhere to Arabic language rules.

Uniform, Standardized, and translated access points from the Library of Congress.

Authority entries that comply with the MARC 21 bibliographic standard.

Electronic and regularly updated authority entries.

Requirements for obtaining the service

After the comparison of the authority entries in the library database with those in the Arabic Union Catalog (AUC), the matching authority entry set is sent to the member library as an electronic MARC file that is available for download and upload to the library's database, along with all the corresponding authority entries.